WT Center in Copenhagen is the headquarters of WingTsun
Scandinavia |

Legend has it that Wing Tsun was created by a Buddhist Shaolin nun and Kung Fu Master Ng Mui approximately 300 years ago in ravished and war-torn China.
The system is named after her first student - a young woman by the name of Yim Wing Tsun.
Whether or not Wing Tsun's history is defined by two women, is unknown to us, but on a higher level it may very well be true -
as Wing Tsun is not based on strength, weight, size and other parameters that are often in favor of the male gender.
It is, however, based on anatomically effective patterns of movement that are loaded in the nervous system through training.
Only the system that disregards individual differences, can truly see the opportunity of the weak.
There will always be people that are stronger than others,
and it is often a fact that they prefer to fight people, who are smaller than themselves.
Wing Tsun is not a sport, but an art of self-defense, which may translate into fighting, but without rules.
It is necessary in most martial arts genres that they be based on rules – such as when/how you may or may not attack,
and circumstances such as time and place of the fight, weight classes, judges, cleared area etc.
All aspects that allow participants to join in a fair fight, which is not the case if you end up being attacked in the street.
Situations, where self-defense is necessary, are not fair,
and people who practice Wing Tsun, do so, not for the fair fights, but for the ability to carry on their lives without injuries.
A system that is based on the idea that the one practicing it must be protected from and in an attack, must embrace reality.
All training includes the adaptation of conditional reflexes,
and if it is done often it becomes a natural and effortless extension of the body’s motions.
Practicing and training Wing Tsun must be understood as a whole.
See History and Wing Tsun ancestry HERE
‘WT Center - the source of Wing Tsun in Denmark’ ![]() ![]()
‘More than 40 years |
The structure of Wing Tsun
As with all other athletic activities, Wing Tsun rests on a foundation of technique - of movement and physical structure -
which are the system basics, and drills with which these are programmed into the body/nervous system,
so all actions become a natural part of an effective reaction pattern.
The forms of Wing Tsun (Muk Yan Chong, Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kiu, Biu Jee og Bart Cham Dao)
are the technical foundation and the basics for the different partner drills (like Chi-Sau, Lat Sau, Lap Sau etc.).
As the goal of Wing Tsun is self-defense and therefore fighting with not set of rules, it is not possible to train the actual practicalities in a systematical and realistic way.
We must therefore approach reality in other ways, for example via Lat-Sau, Gwoh-Sau,
scenarios and situations that look and feel like real fighting in FighterClub.
As shown in figure 1, a certain overlap in fight/technique/drills is present.
The forms can be partially understood as exercises, and the exercises can be understood in part as actual application depending on,
how freely the exercises are performed.
Similarly, the drills may be seen as forms, for example in Chi Sau sections, where elements of "two man forms" are present.
One thing however is important to note: if you get stuck in a fight, the solution is not more fighting.
Bodies under stress will fight in any way possible. New skills are learned by continuous training and drills.
So - if you have problems fighting, do drills. If you have problems with drills, do forms.
If you have problems with forms, contact a licensed Wing Tsun Scandinavia Instructor!
Forms - Wing Tsun
Wing Tsun is a system is based on its 4 forms:
Muk Yan Chong (the famous "Wooden Dummy" form) which focuses on structure, coordination and explosive transferring of force.
Siu Nim Tau ("a little idea", the first form students are acquainted with). The form focuses on the fundamental positions and basic ideas that make the system,
and should be seen as the dictionary, where everything is defined relative to frontality.
Chum Kiu ("seeking /sinking the bridge") tests positions and structure, and corrects over and under rotation during movement.
Biu Jee ("piercing fingers” or “pointing beyond”), teaches the student to return to the foundation if the structure has collapsed.
Biu Jee is carried out somewhat elastically, resulting in bursts of energy that are easily felt, but hard to explain.
In addition to the 4 forms are 2 weapons forms, Bart Cham Dao ("the double knives") and Luk Dim Boon Kwan (long pole).
Today, Wing Tsun weapons are used primarily for illustrative purposes that emphasize the principles of the system, evolution of force and tradition.
See Forms HERE
Fundamental drills
In Wing Tsun, 90 % of training is carried out with a partner.
Our partner drills, such as Chi Sau, Lat Sau, Lap Sau and the like,
allow the body to log effective reaction patters directly in the body, biomechanically.
With effective, we primarily mean reaction patterns based on contact, which,
unlike pure optical response, are without delay and give the Wing Tsun practitioner an extreme structural speed.
Chi Sau is the central partner drill in Wing Tsun and provides the student with contact reflexes combined with footwork to allow the body to move as a whole.
When practicing Chi Sau, we always start with partner contact, where both try to break through the other's defense.
Mistakes, such as pulling the arm back before an attack, stiffening, pressing in a wrong direction or losing pressure will be immediately 'punished' by the partner.
The exercises build structural speed and the ability to readjust without hesitation,
when the fight is on - skills that give the Wing Tsun student a great advantage in a fight.
As Chi Sau is practiced with a constant forward going pressure, a natural aggression is built that with the first point of contact allows the performer of Wing Tsun
to carry on a blitz attack that puts any opponent under serious pressure until the end.
Once the new student has learned the skills of one-arm Chi Sau, the Poon Sau exercise prepares for Chi Sau and the coordination of both arms.
Chi Sau is divided into several sections with themes, where short practice sequences allow the training of different situations that program the body to react automatically.
‘When you train, ![]() ‘Wing Tsun training every day’ |
Fight - Application
As Wing Tsun is realistic self-defense, fight drills are an essential part of the daily training sessions.
The movement patterns and technique, we have learned during our drills, are tested in a dynamic format and with increasing intensity.
Wing Tsun fighting drills consist primarily of Lat Sau, scenarios, Gwoh Sau, full gear fighting and FighterClub.
The Lat Sau drill is meant to bridge Chi Sau and real fighting. With Lat Sau, Chi Sau skills are learned in dynamic form,
where kicks and other attacks are included as well.
The advantage with Lat Sau is the high intensity repetition over a short period of time.
Wing Tsun does not use traditional sparring, but Lat Sau may be seen as a sparring approach.
Training of scenarios create situations, where one training partner attacks the other, in any way they see fit. The task for the other Wing Tsun partner is to shut down the opponent with Wing Tsun skills and techniques. Upon training different scenarios, students are usually wearing protective gear to allow for more force and real contact.
‘Realistic self-defense is no sport ‘PUNCH - WALK ‘Many mile journey - |
FighterClub at WT Center was started by Sifu Henning Daverne to allow members to test themselves under ultimate pressure –
facing another WT fighter without any rules (both wearing protective gear).
During normal fight sessions, we do not follow through all the way, but suppress the attacks to ensure that our partner is not injured.
This is not the deal in FighterClub!!!
Only 2 things are must be respected:
Once the “fight leader” stops the fight - You stop!! In order avoid any injuries.
Anyone who enters the room - fights!!
The purpose of FighterClub is not to see who is best, but to develop the students -
not least when it comes to the mental aspect of facing an apponent in all its seriousity.
There are no losers at FighterClub. Only winners of personal experience.
Anyone, who enters the room, has overcome the fear and gained experience of their personal mental reaction,
which will make them capable of reacting efficiently, should they be attacked in public.
A fight in FighterClub goes on for approximately 5-10 seconds, before the fight leader calls it off.
The opening of the fight is the most interesting part,
as it provides the most valuable experience on reaction and execution that long exhaustive attacks do not.
FighterClub is open to students that hold 3rd student grade and higher.
FighterClub is not as bad as a street fight attack - – it’s even worse!
‘If you ever find yourself in a fair fight -
‘Action speaks louder than a thousand words’ |
Punches and kicks - drills
Wing Tsun is known as "the lazy man's Kung Fu"
This does not mean, however, that our pulse is at an all-time low (which may be disappointing to some).
It is important to note in this case that we do not sweat at the expense of technique!!!
All training is Wing Tsun specific, meaning that all exercises are carried out anatomically correct and in a way that supports the technical aspect of Wing Tsun.
We usually "suppress" attacks during our technical training, which means that they are carried out with full force at the correct distance, but stopped before final contact.
When pads are used, we follow through to feel the actual power.
They allow for us to punch at the right distance and correct angle.
It is important in this case to follow through with the intention of achieving full reach, but letting the bag or pad stop the punch without delayed effect.
All energy in the punch must be transferred in as little time as possible.
Using the Wall Bag additionally trains stability in the wrist and stance.
Large pads are used for training punches, kicks, knees and elbows.
The pad makes for a moving target and is great for practicing distance assessment along with footwork.
Is certain to increase your pulse!
Small pads are used primarily to train the ability to hit a moving target at the right distance without hesitation.
Let your punches follow through!
‘Wing Tsun training each day’ ![]() ‘The best self-defense system is the one that averts the most attacks with the least moves’ |

Wing Tsun - short and sweet
WT is purely a self-defense system (e.g. there are no rules) and
consists of other elements than other martial arts disciplines that have other goals.
WT dismisses all excessive and dramatic movements and leaps. Practitioners, however, "stick" to the opponent,
while arms and legs execute up to 8 attacks per second in a continuous blitz, where elbows and knees are added as fit.
WT is, in many ways a simple system: We only have 4 forms (Muk Yan Chong, Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kiu and Biu Jee)
and 2 weapons forms (Bart Cham Dao and Luk Dim Boon Kwan).
WT uses only a few basic techniques in an infinite number of ways, and the structure of the system is very fast and direct.
WT develops a purely tactile defense system via Chi Sau (for arms) and Chi Geuk (for legs) drill training,
which allows the advanced student to fight using reflexes - even blindfolded.
New students to WT learn a simple, structural and effective form of self-defense. Even after the first training session,
you will have new skills to defend yourself with. Frequent and systematic WT training, however,
changes your nervous system and reaction patterns from chaotic ape to the biomechanical optimum.
WT is a weapon – a weapon to be acquired through training that no one can take from you, as it becomes a part of you.
Through systematic WT training your body becomes "indigestible" to an opponent.
WT uses a genius control system to deflect and neutralize the attack of the opponent, and adds counter attacks of explosive punches,
low kicks and prompt execution of leg work.
WT was created, technically and theoretically, to make the practitioner immune to fancy tricks and combinations.
WT uses a psychotherapeutic training method, inherent in the system, and is created using comprehensive technical redundancy.
WT makes it possible for all people, without specific prerequisites, to defend themselves effectively,
as the system is not based on fitness, muscle strength or acrobatics. This also allows for the elderly to use it.
WT is a scientific system, which, due to the inherent logics, pleasures the intellect, much like a game of chess does.
While using WT, intelligence outwits raw power.
‘WT is martial arts – the supreme ability to make one’s body "indigestible" to the opponent’ ‘WT Center – the source of Wing Tsun in Denmark’ ‘The best self-defense system is the one that grants the average citizen, man or woman, optimal protection after the shortest possible training’ ![]() |
![]() Find us HERE |
WT Center Copenhagen Østbanegade 55 - 2100 Kbh.ø - +45 33313672
Arb. Landsbank: 5358 - 0000243701 Mobile Pay: 305350 |
![]() Østbanegade 55 |