WT Center in Copenhagen is the headquarters of WingTsun
Scandinavia |
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What is the Instructors Academy?
In the east it was an old tradition that skills, technique and wisdom were taught in a close relationship
between Master and student.
That meant that in China the student/apprentice spent many daily hours with his Sifu and in that way
quickly learnt all aspects of the art.
Grand Master Yip Man trained in a small group 4 hours a days, 6 days a week under the supervision of his
Sifu Chan Wah Shun for about 3 years. When his Sifu died he was already an advanced Wing Tsun
To use that many daily hours with your Sifu is exactly what The WT Instructor Education makes
possible. You can develop skill, technique and get a detailed and deep understanding of the system in a
shorter time than what would be possible if you only participate in normal classes.
It's a great advantage to the student to receive the Wing Tsun system, the way it was traditionally taught.
WT instructor’s academy started in 1995, and hundreds of students have since graduated the intense 40 weeks program.
The education and curriculum has been thoroughly tested through the years, and participants often reflect on the experience,
as a period of their life that has granted them immense levels of development, both when training Wing Tsun and in life in general.
![]() ‘WT Center - The Source of Wing Tsun in Denmark’ ![]()
‘WT Instructor Academy - |
The Instructors on the Wing Tsun Academy are the Chief instructors for WT Center and Wing Tsun Scandinavia,
Dai Sifu Allan Enderberg Jensen, who have trained and taught Wing Tsun since 1976 when Wing Tsun first
came to Denmark and Sifu Lars Murholt who received his Mastergrade in 2014.
The Chief instructors are supported by senior instructor Sihing Vivek Kailas.
See all Instructor profiles HERE
‘WT Center since 1976’
‘Whatever you do often |
Facts about The Wing Tsun Instructor Education
The education is a full time study where it is possible to go deep into the core of what Wing Tsun is and
become a licensed Wing Tsun instructor.
The education can be finished in one year, 40 weeks in total.
For those for whom it is not possible to spend the 40 weeks continously over a year, it is possible to break
up the education into shorter periods, for instance a week or month now and then a week or month later
and in that way eventually complete the full 40 weeks
It is also possible to participate for a shorter period for those who wish to accelerate their personal
development in connection with gradings or other situations.
The education is open for all, no prior experience is necessary since the teaching is individual and personal
in a group with a limited number of participants. The individual participant will be instructed at the level he
or she have at point of starting, but all the fundamentals will be corrected, detailed and in depth.
The reason that it is possible to educate an instructor in only 40 weeks is due to the high intensity with 4
daily hours of training and theory through a complete school year.
The high intensity requires the participants to have a high motivation since a halfhearted participation will
not make it possible to absorb the vast technical and theoretical subjects that is necessary to master in
order to become a proficient Wing Tsun Instructor in such a short time.
WT Center is the HQ for WT Scandinavia,
and sets the standard for all the instructors of the organization.
A majority of Wing Tsun instructors in Scandinavia either received their education at the Instructor
Academy or at intensive seminars at WT Center.
‘I have really developed as a Wing Tsun practitioner and as a person’ ‘Wing Tsun develops self confidence’
‘Wing Tsun is Simple, |

The structure of the Instructor Course
The teaching is conceptually based with both practical and theoretical subjects without grade specific
restrictions, which means that you learn the complete Wing Tsun System from the core, in depth and
As a participant on the Instructor Course you have the possibility to learn the complete Wing Tsun System,
as it was handed down to us from Grand Master Yip Man.
Forms and Classic Drills:
Muk Yan Chong (Wooden Dummy),
Siu Nim Tau,
Chum Kiu,
Biu Jee,
Bart Cham Dao (Dobbelt Knivene) og
Luk Dim Boon Kwan (Long Pole).
Daan Chi,
Lap Sau,
de "syv" Chi Sau Sektioner,
Muk Yan Chong
app./Chi Sau and Biu Jee app./Chi Sau.
Bart Cham Dao app. and Exercises.
Luk Dim Boon Kwan app. and Exercises.
All taught at the deepest level - both in theory and praxis.
Theoretical subjects:
Wing Tsun’s background and
Wing Tsun's basics concepts and ideas.
System vs. Method.
The Information theoretical aspects of fighting.
The difference between a martial Sport and Selfdefense.
‘Wing Tsun is my passion and to be able to spend a whole year on the Instructor Education is such a luxury’ ![]()
‘Velcome to ‘WT Center - we have classes every day’ |

The Modules
The Basic structure of the course consist of 4 Modules that can usually can be completed in between 6 and
12 weeks.
In conjunction with the 4th Module the student will also start to be instructed in the
advanced Technicians

See the complete grading Syllabus HERE
‘High kicking - No thanks’
‘The personal and daily contact between Master and student is the way Wing Tsun has
traditional been taught in the past and makes it possible to have systematic teaching
structure and a high degree of flexibility that cater to the individual needs of the students. |

Professional possibilities and teaching practice
The professional possibilities the education opens are wide: Becoming a professional WT instructor by
opening own Wing Tsun school, being employed by an existing Wing Tsun school or fitness club, or doing
selfdefense courses for women and other vulnerable groups.
If one wants a career in the police, in security companies or work as a doorman, The Wing Tsun Instructor
Education is the perfect background for handling the psychic and physical stresses that sort jobs entail.
Not all who participates in The Wing Tsun Instructors Education do so in order to become a Wing Tsun
instructor but to develop personal skills and a deeper understanding of Wing Tsun.
However, for those who wants to teach, The Wing Tsun Instructors Education is perfect for developing the
necessary planning and didactic skills by assisting an instructor and eventually be in charge of teaching a
class on ones own.
Being good at one thing creates a positive self-image and a self-confidence that spills over into many of
life's challenges.
‘Prior to participating in the course I could never complete anything - now I know that I can accomplish anything I set my sight on’ ‘Wing Tsun develops self confidence’ |

Practical Informations
All gradings takes place in connection with the education and will normally take place every 3rd or 4th week, that is, after 60 - 80 hours of training.
The Wing Tsun Instructors Academy is located at WT Scandinavia's HQ, WT Center at Østbanegade 55, ground level, 2100 Copenhagen Ø.
Find us HERE.
Contact us by mail: daisifu@mac.com / lars@murholt.dk or by Phone +45 3331 3672.
Or contact us personally:
Dai Sifu personal: 20888371
Sifu Murholt personal: 30121806
You are also welcome to visit us for a free Intro/trial lesson on one of our normal classes.
Ask for Dai Sifu or
Sifu Murholt.
See prices HERE
We look forward to seeing you at WT Center!
‘The best that ever happened in my life
‘WT Instructor Academy - |
![]() Find us HERE |
WT Center Copenhagen Østbanegade 55 - 2100 Kbh.ø - +45 33313672
Arb. Landsbank: 5358 - 0000243701 Mobile Pay: 305350 |
![]() Østbanegade 55 |